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05月18 17:07
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05月31 08:28
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08月01 16:56
阳光网友 非会员
08月01 16:58
阳光网友 非会员
29-09-2012 Hi Elizabeth! Yes, Jess, is really the comedian in this duo. I’m okay being her “straight man”, so to speak!For us, PDAs are a good thing. I told my kids it’s natural and healthy for people of all ages to kiss and hold hands. (Of, course, there’s a limit to what’s okay in public.) So, If my son or daughter want to throw up at the sight of us kissing &621;hello8#8217; or calling each other ‘Babe’, let them. Haha!Marcia Richards recently posted..
05月15 15:38
1个回答05月16日 10:13
4个回答05月31日 08:35
8个回答05月18日 17:07
4个回答06月02日 19:09
5个回答05月16日 10:14